Dr. Vincent D’Amico
293 Christian Herald Road, Suite A
Valley Cottage, NY 10989
845 353 2229

Psychologist Dr. D'Amico specializes in child, teen, family, adult therapy, Rockland, Tarrytown, White Plains NY.

Serving Upper, South, West Nyack, all Westchester county.

Psychologist Dr. Vincent D'Amico


Child, Teen Psychologist
Certified Nutritional Consultant

My psychologist practice in Rockland to Westchester County focuses on child, teen, and adult psychology services. My practice is known for caring and successful anxiety and ADHD and ADD treatment therapy, and is in a safe,  relaxing, therapeutic, drug-free, and holistic environment. It is also among the leading psychology practices in this two local, county  areas. I work, as well, with adults and whole families needing psychological therapy as a family unit for stress, anxiety or related conditions. Kids or teens suffering anxiety can be very challenging for parents to care for. In family stress cases such as this, please call me soon so we can start talking about your particular situation. I serve many families and individuals with stress issues in all Nyack villages, all Rockland, Tarrytown to White Plains, Westchester County. For teens or children with learning disabilities, I offer expert therapy and best the natural approaches. My patients often say how I'm the best psychologist therapist they've worked with.

As an interfaith minister and in learning about the Divine within us all, I have understood that it is our God-Given right to health and well-being. Through science, health, and healing I have learned how to better help myself, my family, and my patients to maintain that God-Given right, or to regain it if they have lost an important part of themselves at some time during their journey. Most importantly, I have learned about forgiveness—the royal road to love, peace, and health.

Through my stress psychology training at Capital University of Integrative Medicine, Yeshiva University’s Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, NYU Medical Center’s Rusk Institute of Rehabilitative Medicine, and the American Association of Nutritional Consultants, I have learned to incorporate a variety of techniques, armed with the knowledge that our patients are best served when diet, nutrition, exercise and spirituality are the foundation upon which we build our treatment protocols. Stress psychology programs built in the “mind/body/spirit” paradigm have a greater chance of re-establishing and maintaining health, assisting people to reclaim their inner strength.

The more I learn, the more I am humbled by the limits of knowledge. I am very much aware of the limitations of "conventional" assessments and treatments. It seems that the mainstream, for various reasons, lags behind in wisdom and truth. I am not implying that there is only one, “wisdom” and one, “truth.” As we learn, we change. Everything changes. This stress psychology principle guides my search in becoming the best practitioner, clinician and human that I can be. It is, at best, misguided and limiting to attempt to cling to one vision of the “truth.” To be open to the possibilities increases our awareness. To combat strong conditioning processes that can take over our mind and discernment, we must unlearn what we have learned in order to be open to learning more.As a stress psychologist for teens, adolescents and children and ADD/ADHD specialist, I continually strive to grow in my personal and professional development. My motivation is to learn so that I can teach. I know that to teach is to learn again. I’ve come to realize that learning is a circle, never ending, only expanding as the circle’s diameter and circumference make room for new information—sometimes even replacing what we “know.”

Stress Psychology Traditions

To quote Hippocrates: “Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine your food.” Traditional Chinese Medicine views a good “medicine” as something that can be taken for life, a tonic, to help keep illness at bay. Galen, who lived and practiced medicine six centuries after Hippocrates understood this very well.

Interestingly, Galen was appointed physician to the gladiators in Pergamon, an ancient center of civilization, which was a highly prestigious position. But despite his success, his position could not offer the opportunities his talents and ambition demanded. He decided to leave and spent the rest of his career in Rome.

There is an important truth in Galen’s dilemma. I believe we are all faced with these questions: “Do I accept ‘truth’ as I know it to be the end, or the beginning?” “Is my current environment one where knowledge can flourish, or, stagnate?” It is imperative for one’s health and well-being to follow the course in life that one is meant to follow. Patient feedback has caused me to believe that the support, knowledge, training, and experiences that they receive from me have assisted them in their quest for optimal wellness.

In closing, the following Buddhist “7 Factors of Illumination” can serve us well in our quest and personal journey of healing:

  • Mindfulness: to be aware and mindful in all activities and movements both physical and mental
  • Investigation: research into the various problems of doctrine
  • Energy: to work with determination until the end
  • Joy: rather than a pessimistic, gloomy or melancholic attitude of mind
  • Relaxation: both body and mind - one should not be stiff physically or mentally
  • Concentration
  • Equanimity: to be able to face life in all its vicissitudes with calm of mind, tranquility, without disturbance

Although holistic and integrative in my approach to teaching people stress reduction strategies, I look first to our Heavenly Father for guidance through his son Jesus Christ. I am also respectful and appreciative of the various world religions. As a Christian I follow the instructions of Jesus Christ to love God first and my neighbor as myself. We are all one family. It is Jesus Christ who guides and directs my actions giving me the the determination, energy and love to engage fully in life with confidence.

Thank you for visiting the Family Stress Reduction Institute Website. I also wish to extend a tremendous heartfelt thank you to my family, friends, and patients, whose unending support provided a foundation that withstood the test of time and without whose support this institute would not be possible.

Last, but certainly not least, to our Creator, our Heavenly Father, who continues to guide us, encouraging each of us in our heart and soul, to live an authentic life. The life I have chosen is that of healer. But we are all Master Healers; many have simply forgotten this truth.  As we give to others, so shall it be returned.

"Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father."
John 14:12

In Peace, Light, Blessings, & Love,
Dr. Vincent D’Amico

Best child and teen psychologist Rockland county, Westchester, Bergen, Passaic, Orange county, northern New Jersey: no other psychologist in the area brings the experience and insight I've methodically garnered over many years.

Dr. D’Amico is also director of the ADD/ADHD Diagnostic & Treatment Center. He has investigated, researched and implemented various treatment protocols that have been demonstrated to be safe and effective for treating children, adolescents and adults. Services include diet and nutritional consultation, biofeedback, electronic transdermal point stimulation (electro-acupuncture), drumming, music and various sound therapies.

He has conducted research on (1) Progressive Muscle Relaxation’s effect on blood pressure and heart rate; (2) What is useful about psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy; and (3) the effect of Brahmi (Bacopa monniera) herbal tonic on attention, impulsivity, concentration, short-term auditory memory, working memory and sympathetic nervous system arousal in ADHD children.

Dr. D’Amico is also author of “The Sacred Journey of Parenthood,” “Renato’s Quest,” and “Lessons in Life: A Roadmap to Inner Peace & Prosperity” (Publish America: 301-695-1707).

"This information is intended for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace medical advice in any way, shape or form. It is recommended that before taking any steps or actions that you consult with a licensed healthcare professional such as a medical doctor."


293 Christian Herald Road
Suite A
Valley Cottage, NY 10989
845 353-2229

© Family Stress Reduction Institute

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